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Important projects on which we are currently working, or on which we have worked in the last few years, include:

Bosnia-Herzegovina: Education Reform Project (TAER) 2000-02
European Commission PHARE Programme
As a partner with the British organisation CfBT and the German firm BBJ, responsible for providing short-term TA experts for the  higher education component of this major Phare project for the reform of education generally in Bosnia-Herzegovina.  We are working with all seven universities across the country in providing consultancy and training. A particular issue is assisting the universities in developing effective corporate managements, as pressures for increased effectiveness require them to move beyond their traditional roles as simply coordinators of semi-autonomous faculty managements. Also, in conjunction with the Higher Education Coordinating Board for Bosnia-Herzegovina, supporting the universities in preparing plans and projects under the World Bank Higher Education Development Fund.

EU Cooperation with the United States and Canada on VET  2001
European Commission (DG-EAC)
Review of the cooperation programme for EU/US/Canadian collaboration in the area of vocational education and training (VET), making proposals to achieve improved trans-Atlantic participation by VET institutions.

Romania: Higher Education Reform 1998-2000
European Commission PHARE Programme
Main sub-contractor for the French firm SODETEG under Component I of the Higher Education Reform Programme for Romania, assisting universities throughout Romania to develop their capacities for strategic planning, financial and quality management, and to develop improved structures for governance and management. Working closely with Ministry of Education and Government agencies for higher education funding, accreditation and quality.

e-University project 2000
Private client
Strategic planning advice, development of registry, quality and human resource management systems, and support to the top management group for a privately-financed global "e-university" which is planned to offer tuition via the Internet.

Higher Education Database Analysis 2000
European Commission (DG XXIII)
Final evaluation of the 'Ortelius' Database on Higher Education in Europe, and advice on the scope for development of such Internet-based information resources.

Poland: Quality Assurance in Higher Education 1997-2000
The British Council
A continuing programme to assist in the development of academic quality management in Polish universities (in Warsaw, Krakow, Opole, Bydgoszcz and elsewhere) including liaison with the national Accreditation Commissions, national workshops and individual institutional consultancy.

Romania: University Careers Advisory Services 1997-2000
UK Know-How Fund/The British Council
In conjunction with the University of Bristol Careers Advisory Service, training and assistance in establishing two pilot Romanian university careers advisory services in Cluj and Sibiu.  Extended in the light of this experience  to a group of 12 further universities across the country, with staff training, support and provision of materials. These services are important in building links between universities and employers in a developing market economy.

Bulgaria: Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education 1998-1999
European Commission PHARE Programme
Developing institutional and programme accreditation systems with the national agency and the universities, piloting institutional evaluations, developing quality management procedures, advising on IT needs to support new procedures, and associated statistical indicators.

Bulgaria: Financial Management in Higher Education 1998-1999
UK Know-How Fund
Working with managers from Bulgarian universities and the Ministry of Education to develop and implement new procedures for more effective internal resource allocation and management, with associated information systems; advice on national resource allocation methodology.

Hungary: Quality Assurance System Development 1998-1999
The British Council
 Development of academic quality assurance systems at the University of Gödöllõ, covering design and development of systems, and helping to build a staff team to ensure implementation and sustainability

Romania: Higher Education Reform 1997-1999
UK Know-How Fund/RALP
Support for central agencies and institutions operating projects under Components II and III (World Bank funded) of the HE Reform Programme. Work in particular with CNFIS, the national funding agency for HE, advising it on the development of normative financing systems (now largely implemented). Also training on proposal evaluation; guidance to universities on curriculum updating; project management training for staff and review of project implementation.

Turkey: Financial Management and Quality Assessment 1997-1998
World Bank
World Bank feasibility studies on improving the effectiveness of the national higher education system, working with YÖK, the Turkish Higher Education Council. One aspect of the project consisted of developing with YÖK and relevant Ministries proposed new national mechanisms for university funding to meet the requirements of central government and of the universities seeking more financial flexibility. The other aspect of the project consisted of developing academic quality assessment procedures for universities. This involved planning and operating a training programme for Turkish university staffs in methods of teaching and research assessment, and leading pilot assessments with joint groups of Turkish and UK assessors.

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